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Health Journey Beginning


For many years I believed that there was a more optimal way to live and to feel. Little by little I have been digging into different aspects of taking care of health problems through holistic approaches. It’s been an up-and-down journey, as health and life often are, but I find myself so passionate about what I have learned that I decided to share in the hope that others will be blessed by it.

My Story

My health took a major blow when I was 30 years old. I was fortunate enough to have found out about a precancerous tumor on my ovary that was removed through a very radical surgery. At 30 I was left in pieces with surgically induced menopause. Doctors are quick to remove offending organs but not as quick to realize the implications that removal would have on ones health. Initially I was okay but as the years went by my list of ailments grew.

Some Of My Symptoms

Extreme Fatigue
Brain Fog
Trouble Speaking
Trouble Thinking
Weak Muscles
Vision Problems
Atrophy & Prolapse
Incontinence & UTI’s
Weight Gain
GI Issues 
Sleep Disturbances
General Feeling Of Being Unwell

Hormones Are Important!

My laundry list of symptoms had me feeling like a shell of the person I was. No energy and fighting through each day. Not able to give much of myself let alone to anyone else. 

Doctors like to prescribe pills to combat symptoms while never getting to the root of the problem. In the same respect, they are terrified of prescribing hormones (go figure). The holistic community is a bunch of hit and miss and super expensive with their extensive list of herbs and supplements. It can be expensive and exhausting to wade through everything.

There Is Hope

I wasn’t about to give up and have now devoted a lot of time to my health. And that’s why I’m excited to share with you my journey so that maybe you can learn and advocate for your best health. I’m beginning to feel like a new me. It’s a lot of work to implement life changes and admit where we are failing ourselves, but oh so worth the effort.

What I've Learned That Has Changed My Life

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

The Power Of Vitamins & Supplements

Eating Right Changes Everything

Exercise Is Smart!

I still have a ways to go, and I’m still learning so much. But through this journey, I hope to help someone else who may be fighting for their own health. Who feel defeated. 

*I am not a physician and what I have done with my health is not a substitute for seeking the proper care from a physician. These are simply suggestions to take with you to your doctor and discuss their benefits.*


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