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Whole 30 – Day 1

Follow along as I journal my day to day adventures with Whole 30. I hope these will inspire or help you on your own healthy eating plan.

Whole 30 Day 1

The Beginning has arrived - Whole30 Day 1

Thanks to all of my prepping the day before, I was fairly ready to go for day one of Whole 30, with the exception of breakfast that I didn’t have the motivation to do the night before. Thankfully, I actually got up when my alarm went off and made up my breakfast that’ll last me the next 3 days. It was a Sweet Potato Hash with Bacon. And then a side of blueberries and cut up banana.

So I got to work and heated up my breakfast and realized I forgot my banana. *Sad trombone* The great thing was, I wasn’t that hungry so all was good there. And I stayed pretty full until lunch. But man oh man when lunch came around, I was ready!

Jamaican Jerk Chicken Bowls

Lunch was a super yummy, Jamaican Jerk Chicken in Lettuce Cups. These were good but I’ve always found that the lettuce cups never really hold the filling in so they are a mess to eat, but worth it. They have a lime mayo that goes over the top which helps with the chicken since that’s always a little dry the next day. 

I then took my sweet potato hummus and carrots back to my desk for something to munch on during the rest of my day. Which I did but kind of begrudgingly which is silly. I didn’t enjoy the “hummus” at all and the massive bummer is I made a pretty good size amount of it. Maybe if I was super hungry I’d have felt differently about it. But I also realize how silly it is to force myself to eat something when I’m really not that hungry.

The biggest issue I found on Day 1 was when I got bored and stressed, I wanted to get little snacks. and not just snacks but get into the candy dish on my desk (which I really should move). And it was a strange knee jerk reaction where I started to realize how often I let my emotions tell me I need something to eat.

I would walk into the other room to do something and thought about getting something to eat. Or when I was given a project I had to sort out how to get started on, I wanted to get into the candy. Or when I had just gotten off the phone with a couple stressful phone calls, yep I wanted to get into that blasted candy dish. 

So I think that is something I clearly need to move off my desk so the temptation is gone although I have no interest in diving into it, I just notice it’s become a “habit” during the workday.

Candy Bowl at Work
Days Left Of My Whole 30

I began Whole 30 on January 29th 2024

Mondays are one of the few days where I don’t have something on my plate in the evening so I was able to cook my yummy Salmon dinner and surprisingly yummy asparagus/tomato salad and enjoy a laid-back evening. I didn’t get too much of the munchy feelings in the evening and managed to make it through the day okay and with plenty of energy.

So we will see how tomorrow goes when they say the “hangover” portion of this program begins. Oh goodie……

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