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10 Steps to Success

10 steps to achieving your goals

I promise I have the 10 steps to success but, read this first:

This may be a tough lesson to get through, but I think it’s important that we are honest with ourselves. Sometimes I get upset that life didn’t turn out a specific way. But if I’m brutally honest, the reason it didn’t turn out that way is because I didn’t fight for it. I didn’t put in the steps that would get me there. 

One thing about highly successful people, or people who “achieve their dreams” is they never give up. They push through not taking “no” for an answer until they finally find a way up, over or around the obstacle between them and their goals. 

When It Was Just An Idea

There are times when I worked on something to find out that, in fact, it wasn’t something I wanted for myself. Then I dropped it as quickly as I was excited about it because it was evident that it wasn’t for me. Sometimes you simply need to extend to yourself the grace that you aren’t a quitter. You likely learned something in the process of whatever that this is that you, “gave up on.” Why beat yourself up over something that wasn’t for you? That is how we grow and learn about ourselves and what we should be doing.

The First Step Is Doing

There are other areas where I never found my way around an obstacle or a part of something I wanted. So, I stopped doing.

Today I was reminded that we often get in our own way. We look at our circumstances and make excuses then have the audacity to be upset that something didn’t work out.

I’ve had the opportunity to work with people who were down on their luck. But when asked, “Did you call this place to get help, did you do what we talked about the last time you came in with this problem, what have you done to better your situation?” they come back with nothing. They didn’t do anything to help their circumstances. Yet they are down and depressed and acting like the world is against them.

Have you done that? Did you get started on something and run into a problem and then got stuck? 5, maybe 10 years or more later you were upset that this “thing” didn’t work out, but you stopped. If you don’t do the work, it won’t happen. You can blame the universe for the “thing” not dropping in your lap but NEWS FLASH, life doesn’t work that way. (Most of the time anyway)

We act like we are a “victim” of our circumstances. And mostly, if we are willing to admit it to ourselves, they are circumstances that we created. Either by doing or not doing something

Overcoming the Overwhelm

The process of doing can be overwhelming. Sometimes you don’t know where to start. But nonetheless, you have to start to finish. You have to take twists and turns, the good road the wrong road. And we are embarrassed to “fail” at something. So, we sabotage ourselves by not doing at all, and that way someone can’t say, “See I told you so” or, “I knew you’d never be able to do that” or, “You always give up.” Or whatever dialogue you have in your head that lives on repeat because you are afraid to take that step.

Failure isn’t failure though. There is always learning in everything even if it looks like a failure to you or someone else. You simply learned what not to do, what didn’t work, what you do or don’t like.

Then Comes The Discomfort

Often the work creates discomfort. It’s said that in order to grow or to achieve something, we have to put ourselves into a state of discomfort. Growth comes from discomfort. Success comes from discomfort. If you aren’t willing to get uncomfortable you won’t achieve much. That’s just the way it works. 

So I challenge you today: (Here Are Your 10 Steps)

#1 Do the work
#2 Learn the thing
#3 Make the call
#4 Ask for help
#5 Sign Up
#6 Get Uncomfortable
#7 Send the email
#8 Buy the book
#9 Invest the money

And above all
#10 Get started or keep going!

Here are some bonus steps!

#11 Write the book
#12 Write the blog post
#13 Record the song
#14 Paint the picture
#15 Write the book
…….. you get the idea

You’ve got this!


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