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Do You Trust God’s Directions?

Trusting God's Direction

Do You Trust God’s Directions For Your Life?

It’s a new year and for me, that means another year to read through the bible just with a different study. I find myself back in Genesis in the garden of Eden. A perfect sanctuary for Adam and Eve that is destroyed by sin and not following God’s directions. The garden wasn’t destroyed but their lives turned upside down because they thought they knew better. They were tempted by sin and turned to a serpent and then Adam to Eve instead of turning to God. They didn’t have the faith and trust God’s directions or believe that God knew better than they did what they needed in their lives.

What Are Your Excuses in Your Garden of Eden?

Which made me think about how we have our own garden of Eden. Yet how often are we tempted to do what God says not to do? Or say we didn’t know any better? Or say that God didn’t come through so we had to take matters into our own hands? Or blame someone else for our bad decisions? Or whatever other excuse we can manifest. Eve blamed the serpent, Adam blamed Eve.  But God knew the truth.

And what did that sin do for them? Banished them from Gods perfection. Now they had to deal with the knowledge of both good and evil. And while we are born into a world where evil exists, how many more hardships do we create for ourselves by not following God’s commands or trust God’s directions? Even the most basic ones. To seek him in all things and everyday, to pray to him, to trust him. And when we don’t? 

Do You Take Matters Into Your Own Hands?

I don’t know about you but when I take matters into my own hands, even if I have created some sort of solution, it comes with worry, anxiety, and sometimes depression. Why? Because I didn’t trust that God would handle it. He tells us to put those worries on Him yet we don’t trust Him and we create our own pain as a result. 

When we don’t call out to Him and pray, then we don’t hear from him. And we are left wandering through life with no direction and no path. That leads to depression because we are full on lost out in the world. But by praying and seeking God, we find that path. We are led down it and we find the life that God has waiting for us.  

Stop Making Things Complicated

Honestly, I believe I make faith more complicated. We live complicated lives in society. And we complicate God. Is he complex? Very! In fact so complicated we will never sort out things about him. But we aren’t required to. That’s all the stuff God has to deal with. The Bible is very clear with what we are to do. To first believe and to live a life worthy of the gospel. Then to love one another, to be patient and kind, to forgive, to pray, to live by God’s word. You will find very clear instructions about the life we are supposed to live. But we overcomplicate it by wanting to know all the answers and then trying to manipulate God into giving us what we want instead of surrendering to what He wants. Or His word get’s twisted to fit a life we want to live.

The moral of the story is, stop fighting the simplicity of what God wants. Trust that God’s directions are clear and clearly written in scripture. Stop trying to complicate things by making assumptions and fitting God into this messed up world. How? Read your bible and believe and trust the words as they are written. We can learn a lot on Sunday morning (assuming you go to church) but God wants to speak to us outside of once a week. It’s our job to seek Him daily. So seek Him and relax in knowing that He has all the details sorted out so you don’t have to keep taking it all on your shoulders. And in trusting Him we will live lives that are fulfilling and worthy of the God who gave them to us. 

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