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Seasons Of Weariness

Seasons of Weariness

Seasons of Weariness - Is It Time To Move On?

We have all gone through seasons of weariness in our lives. Times when it seems like one thing after another is piling up upon us. The health challenges, income trouble, generally trying to do everything on your plate. And it can feel like too much. And you may be wondering, where is God in all of this?

The thing with weariness is it’s an excellent place for the enemy to use to make us more weary. And why would he want to do that? Because the more upset we are, the less we rely on God to meet our needs. The more weary we are, the more we start to doubt God and lack faith. The more weary we are, the less we can stand up to attacks of the enemy. The enemy is who wants us to remain weary, upset with life, and upset with God.

Feeling Sorry For Myself

The thing I’ve noticed with these seasons, and what I’m blogging about today, is going beyond the honoring stage of weariness to the “feeling sorry for myself” stage of weariness. This is a tough love moment and is in no way telling you to not honor moments of loss, or tough days or seasons. What I’m touching on is more when it’s time to pick ourselves up and move forward. We get so consumed by the things going “wrong” in our lives that it’s all we see. And the more we see going “wrong” the more that seems to go wrong. And grief is a topic for another day that has its own journey so don’t think I’m telling you to just “get over grief” because that’s unreasonable. 

And you may be saying, “Well that sounds great but you don’t understand my life.”

And you’re right I don’t. But I know from my own experiences that I have gone way past a season of something being bad in my life and living with it forever. God says he will be there in our weariness (Matthew 11:28, Jeremiah 31:25, Isaiah 40:28). But what if we aren’t seeing that peace in our lives?

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. - Matthew - 11:28

Maybe it’s us and not God. We want what we want, when we want, the way we want it to turn out.

How Do We Sabotage Ourselves

  • Wanting a different outcome than what we got
  • We want things to change instantly
  • We are telling God what we want and not letting God tell us what He wants
  • Basking in self-pity so we don’t move forward with doing anything to change the circumstances
  • We stay focused on something we need to let go of and move on

Let me give you an examples of how this has played out in my life. One of my biggest challenges is my health. It has been for years and I guess I was so upset by it that I didn’t honor my body in any way at all.

What was I doing? Being upset that I didn’t feel good so I wouldn’t exercise or eat healthy. I’d eat away my pain and exhaustion and IBS troubles. Hey, “life is short and hard so the least I can do is eat food I enjoy.” And what was I doing in turn? Making my problems worse and adding to them. I was making excuses because I was not feeling well. Complaining about how bad I felt when I was part of the problem. That’s easy to do, isn’t it? 

Our Only Easy Button Is God

Nothing we will do in this world that is worth doing is easy. That’s why it’s called work. Even with God, it’s not an easy road where we stay back and let God do all the work. (Colossians 3:23, Proverbs 21:25) The constant thought in my mind is, I hate living like this, this is no way to live, this isn’t fair, why me, why is God not healing my body? I was basking in pity in my situation instead of doing anything to help it and then expecting God to fix my lack of action and choices.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters - Colossians 3:23

God does not want us to sit idle and do nothing for ourselves. Our circumstances won’t magically get better if we don’t do the work. Yes we trust God’s direction and pray in each thing we do to make sure it’s what God wants for us, but we still need to move forward.

I want to leave you with this, you need to develop a new mindset. It’s also a decision. Do we want to develop a mindset of joy and seeing blessings? Or do you want a mindset of always seeing the bad and complaining? 

Joy in Weariness

Joy and blessing mindsets attract, joy and blessings to your life. Joy and blessing mindsets add more joy and blessings because you can see them.  If you spend all your time complaining, you drive people away because of negativity and you spend all your time seeing nothing but bad. Look for bad, you will see it and everything will seem bad. The enemy will love that and run with it and test your faith with it.

Do the work, make the changes, find the joy, and blessings, and develop a spirit of gratitude. And yes there is a season of weariness, but know when it’s time to move on.

Check Out My Blog for more most to help you with your walk with God. 

Check Out the Bible: This is my favorite app for reading and studying the Bible. 

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