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Sowing Seeds Waiting On God

Sowing Seeds while Waiting on God

We are often waiting on something in life. Waiting for a chapter to open or close, large and small life changes. Waiting on God to reveal Purpose in our lives. (Check on my blog on purpose) And sometimes in the wait, we get stuck. Because in the waiting, we assume that God will manifest something in the waiting. But what if God is waiting on us as much as we are waiting on him? Is it time for you to be sowing seeds while waiting on God?

Have you ever noticed specific words in the bible that come up repeatedly? The word “seed”, on a preliminary search, comes up 52 times in the bible. Obviously, an important concept. 

Let’s think about the significance of seeds. Seeds by themselves are usually:

      1. Small
      2. Require Planting
      3. Require Care
      4. Can Produce New LIfe
      5. Can Produce Fruit
      6. Produce More Seeds For More Life

    I’m sure, creatively, we could go on and on. Seeds are full of potential.

    The Smallest Seed of Faith

    In the waiting, we may be struggling with our faith. Matthew 17:20 tells us that “if you have faith as small as a mustard see, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

    That tiny faith, tiny like a mustard seed, can move mountains! Sometimes we stumble thinking our faith is too small and that is why our circumstances aren’t changing or while we are still waiting. But even the smallest amount of faith can do big things. God tells us so. And God’s word is always true. Always get into your word and pray but also remember the significance of even the tiniest of faith in your waiting.

    Seeds Require Effort

    For a seed to grow, you must first plant it. If I continue to ask God for a house of my own, or a new job, or a friend, or the right church to attend or….. (fill in with what you are currently waiting on). You must plant the seed. And that seed isn’t just praying that God will make it land in your lap. 

    It requires something on your part. That new house? Start saving money. That new job? Brush up on your resume and apply. Friends? Get involved in a community event or at your church. There is always something you can do even if it seems small. Even if you don’t know how your tiny effort is going to produce what you want. That is where God comes in. 

    Mark 4:27 – and he goes to bed at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts and grows-how, he himself does not know. 

    We don’t know what the outcome of planting the seed will produce. Maybe that small amount of money you put toward your home will grow. How? There are a lot of ways that money could grow. And I’m not talking about it magically becomes something it’s not but you can get a raise at work, a new job, come into money in some way. But your faithfulness to be a good steward of your money and trust that God will provide is the point here.  

    Think of ways your faithfulness in planting a seed on something you are waiting on, coupled with prayer and the faith that God will provide when it even seems unlikely. God is the God of impossible.

    Ecclesiastes 11:6 – Sow your seed in the morning and do not be idle in the evening, for you do not know whether morning or evening sowing will succeed, or whether both of them alike will be good. 

    Don’t wait to sow that seed. Do what you can when you can. Do the same with your faith in seeking God for clarity and in diligent and constant prayer. What areas of your life should you be sowing seeds while waiting on God?

    Ecclesiastes 11:4 – He who watches the wind will not sow and he who looks at the clouds will not reap. 

    Seeds Must Be Planted In Good Soil

    Luke 8:15- But the seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance. 

    Planting a seed requires maintenance. You have to water it and grow it somewhere that it will get sunlight. In the same way, when you’re planting a seed for something you are waiting for God to help answer, it requires your continued faith and your continued faithfulness.  It can be easy to give up when the waiting seems too long. But if you give up on that seed to grow and bear fruit, it will wither and die. So will your prayers go unanswered if you only give minimal effort and give up when it’s taking too long. 

    Planting a seed requires that you believe in that seed to grow. That by growing that seed something will come from it. In other words, faith.

    Seeds Require Patience

    We hate the word patience, don’t we? I can get all fired up about planting the seed. “This is it, I have the keys to what God has been waiting for me to do!” And then you plant the seed, give it a small amount of time, and then lose interest or lose faith. And that’s where we struggle. 

    But maybe you need to plant another seed. Maybe you have to keep working the soil. Maybe you need to add something or take something away for that seed to grow. And that’s where your walk and your relationship with God comes in. 

    Let’s use this blog as an example.  God put it in my heart to write. And I can blame God that I don’t have enough subscribers, or time to write, or money to maintain the website or….. but being upset or just praying about it doesn’t change the circumstances. If God put having this blog on my heart, I have to build it (plant the seed), put up posts (maintain it), tend to the soil (my faith so that I’m bringing the word of God) and trust and learn and eventually my efforts will allow me to reach others in a way that God intends. But most importantly, that my work is valuable to God and that I am always seeking God’s direction to care for and tend to it. We have to do that in all areas of our life. 

    Really pray on this concept and find more passages about seeds. Then ask God about sowing seeds while waiting on God to answer your prayers during this time of waiting.

    I could go on and on, thankfully, that is why I have a blog.  See you next time!

    For further study, check out these great verses about sowing seeds.

    Bible verses selected from

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