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Waiting On God To Reveal Your Purpose?

Waiting on God

“I’m Waiting For God To Reveal My Purpose”

Have you found yourself stuck and waiting for God to reveal what you should do next in your life or what your purpose is?

For the past couple of years, I have been in a season of waiting for answers. Waiting for God to reveal my purpose.  And for me, I thought it meant something of major importance or significance. That God called me to some great big thing here on the earth. And while I believe there are some people who are to be used for a bigger “purpose”, I think about all the other people in the bible who we don’t hear about. The people like me. I think we often get “stuck” in life because we are waiting for God to reveal something that was never meant for us. Some big “ah-ha” moment where we have suddenly discovered the “meaning of life.”What if that’s as simple as being a good loving person of God? Because, even if we put some big calling or purpose aside, isn’t that it? We are meant to love God, to be examples of who God is? 

Yes we get caught up on waiting on God to reveal some big “thing” in our life that we are supposed to do while we are here. And that big “thing” is to seek God and follow his word. Surprise! 

Yet I’ve found myself stuck in this waiting period for something magical to pop up out where God show’s me this amazing purpose of my life. And in the waiting, I’m stuck. Not moving forward, waiting on God to reveal this big thing I’m supposed to do or be. Meanwhile, what have I really done to seek God in the midst of seeking this elusive “purpose?”

Is Purpose The Same Thing As A Calling?

And I really am not trying to burst anyone’s bubble who has a calling on their life. I do believe there are some people specifically called to certain acts and things that God has revealed for them. Like Moses or Abraham or Paul or other prophets. Those were people who God chose for a specific purpose. Who he spoke to directly.

What if we re-defined purpose as not in what do I get to do for me me me me (yes I repeated that on purpose) but what do I get to do for God? For His ultimate purpose of having eternal life with him. For us having the privilege of walking with Him and bringing others to Him so we can all have eternal life with him?

And what would that look like in this world anyway? A whole lot less of everyone trying to find out what’s so important about themselves and more about loving one another and saving souls for God. We’d be looking outward and not inward. 

God defined your plan and your purpose by you being here on this earth. Which will lead to a beautiful opportunity to spend eternity with Him!

What About Jeremiah 29:11?

But you may be, “well what about the bible verse in Jeremiah about God having a plan and a purpose for my life?” Well, that word wasn’t said to believers in general. They were words said to the Israelites exiled from Jerusalem. 

Still God promises all of us a future with him. He has plans for our lives, with him. And He likely has plans for you each and every day. To seek him everyday for those answers and how you can serve him in everything you do. 

So, for those of you thinking, “Well shoot now what about my job or my gifts or those dreams I have?” Do them! Do them with grace and with love being an example of who God is in the process. And do it all to the very best of your ability. Don’t be lazy. God doesn’t want you to be lazy. Move toward goals with grace, compassion, love and with you seeking God in everything you do. 

And those answers if you should or shouldn’t do something? Those doors will close and open and you’ll know. But live your purpose which is God.

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